Monday, October 3, 2011

Well hello there!

I know I know it's been awhile. I'm so bad about it. It's time to get the train back on the tracks. So much has happened in the past few weeks. As we speak, I am in the car coming home from a trip to Minnesota. But, more on that later. I have been a bit obsessed with pinterest and have had to dial myself back! It's so addicting!! It's easy for me considering I have an obsessive personality. I am easily drawn in. Lol!
The biggest event that has happened in the past month has been the newest addition to our family, Gunner.

This was the day we got him:). He is a Bernese Mountain Dog and has completely won our hearts! He is like a new baby and we had some sleepless nights in the beginning. But, it is all worth it!! He is going to be a big boy! He was 14 lbs at 6 weeks and 28 at 9 1/2! Wow!

We love him dearly! Such a cute little Gun-bunnie. :)

I have so much more to tell but I'm so tired and ready to get home!! It's been a long weekend.

More tomorrow!

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