Friday, August 13, 2010

My baby is 6?!

Well, he isn't a baby anymore! I can't believe that my little boy is six years old. Since his birthday fell on Tuesday this year, we decided to have his party on Sunday. He is in love with Super Mario Brothers, so I decided to have craft time and draw and color some of the main characters to put up at the party. He had no idea that we were even having a party, so he was very surprised!

(Isn't this cake fabulous?)

We are so blessed to have such great friends and family who helped make the party a hit. It is so fun to watch him at this age, because everything he opens is "just what I have been wanting"! He got all kinds of things and was filled with excitement!

Shorts from Aunt Amy and Uncle Ricky

Cool Nerf Gun

All of the kids...Not sure what Reese is doing! LOL

Connect Four

With Cousin Jordan

I want to thank all who came and especially want to thank my friend Lyndsey for taking all of these wonderful pictures. The iPhone wasn't gonna cut it that day:)

Boys will be boys!

Reese and her new friend Katherine

The birthday boy and mama

Our latest family picture

Hope you all had a great week and a good Friday the 13th! Suprisingly enough (considering how neurotic I am) I have never disliked Friday the 13th. It's just another day and I don't mind the number 13. :)
I will post more this weekend about what we did on Ry's actual birthday and the getting ready for school next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I bet the nerf gun put the icing on the cake!

We need to get together soon :)