Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011

Tonight is the night we say farewell to 2011 and make our new hopes and dreams for 2012. This past year has been full of ups and downs and I am very optimistic that 2012 is going to be a great year!! I can just feel it!

I love this time of year. Having calmed down from the hustle and bustle of the holidays, January ushers in a time for turning a new leaf and starting fresh. I am looking forward to cleaning out closets and getting organized (insert my husband laughing). Well, at least I'll be trying! And the blog, well I've neglected it long enough!

I have so many hopes for the coming year. God has truly blessed my family. The end of 2011 has turned out to be fantastic. I can't wait to share the amazing story about the great gift God has given me! But for now I wish you all a very happy new year! Thank you for following along on the bumpy ride. Cheers to a happy and healthy 2012:)

Xoxo, Missy

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Well hello there!

I know I know it's been awhile. I'm so bad about it. It's time to get the train back on the tracks. So much has happened in the past few weeks. As we speak, I am in the car coming home from a trip to Minnesota. But, more on that later. I have been a bit obsessed with pinterest and have had to dial myself back! It's so addicting!! It's easy for me considering I have an obsessive personality. I am easily drawn in. Lol!
The biggest event that has happened in the past month has been the newest addition to our family, Gunner.

This was the day we got him:). He is a Bernese Mountain Dog and has completely won our hearts! He is like a new baby and we had some sleepless nights in the beginning. But, it is all worth it!! He is going to be a big boy! He was 14 lbs at 6 weeks and 28 at 9 1/2! Wow!

We love him dearly! Such a cute little Gun-bunnie. :)

I have so much more to tell but I'm so tired and ready to get home!! It's been a long weekend.

More tomorrow!

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Friday!!!

So, I have a lot of new stuff to share, but don't have the time just yet.  But, I wanted to say Happy Friday and share some things that made me happy this morning:)

Hope you have a great day!

And's pumpkin spice latte time!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

Everyone who was old enough remembers exactly where they were when our nation was attacked on that Tuesday in 2001. It feels like just yesterday.
Today we remember all of the lives that were lost on that terrible day. The amount of courage and true love for others shines through in their memory.

May God bless our country.

We will never forget.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy anniversary!!!

Happy anniversary to my wonderful mom and pop!! I am so very thankful to have you as my parents. Thank you for being an amazing inspiration and showing me that laughter is such an important part of a marriage!

We love you so much!!

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

A kind word

I got the most kind message from a girl I have known for years. She has lost over 100 pounds in the last year and looks amazing. She is an incredible inspiration and watching her transformation has been awesome!

This is what she said to me:
"You are not only an inspiration to me but also such an uplifting encourager whenever I need it! Thanks for who you are in my life and all the others that you bless!"

I was blown away! I told her I didn't know what I did to deserve such kind words and she told me that in her prayer time, God told her I needed encouragement and for her to tell me how she felt. Wow, huh?

And then I got a text from my hubby that said he just wanted me to know how much he loved me and how special I am to all of them. Wow times 2!

So my point of this post is not to toot my own horn, but to show you that a kind word can go a long way! Too much when we think nice things about our loved ones, we don't tell them. But let me tell you-you should! Just by saying something kind, you can completely change a person's day. Because it did mine:).

On another note, if you haven't seen "The Help" yet, I highly recommend seeing it! I read the book, (which I think you should do first, but if you aren't a reader I and it was amazing. I am really happy with the way the movie turned out. It has such an incredible message and teaches about being kind and fair. It really is an amazing book and movie.

Have a great end of the week and say something kind to someone:).

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Goodbye sweet Pootie

Today was a rough day for the Holmes family. Slowly we had noticed our sweet pup Alex had been losing weight and this weekend we noticed she really wasn't acting herself. So I called our vet and took her in yesterday. He ran a blood panel and the results came back today and we learned that she had cancer. He said that she had a massive growth in her abdomen. So, we made the decision to put her down. It was such a hard decision but we knew we didn't want her to suffer.
I'll never forget the day we got her. Lee wanted a golden retriever and went to look at puppies. He said that they were all so sweet and just couldn't decide. As he walked away, our sweet little pup jumped on the fence and started barking at him. And she came home with him and barked every day after! When I got off of work that evening, there she was laying on the floor like a little bundle of love! She was honestly the sweetest dog anyone could have. She was our first baby as a young couple. And she was so good to us. She loved our kids like a mother and she will be forever missed!

We love you pooster broost! You will be forever in our hearts!

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

What a week

It was one of those weeks. And I'm so glad it's over. I am so easily discouraged and this week really brought me down. I hate (I know...strong word) that I am like this. Discouragement is the devil's playground!! In retrospect I always ask myself why I expect someone to be who they're not. It's hard to understand why some people just don't have compassion or feel like I do. But they aren't me and I have to continue to tell myself that.
I was talking with Lee on Friday and I was having a rough time. He is so understanding and encouraging to me and I am so thankful for that. He said to me "why don't you stop worrying about what you don't have and start focusing on what you do!". And that really opened my eyes. I must admit that I easily slip into a negative rut. I certainly don't want to be this way, but I am. I look at the negative aspect more than the positive and it's something I want so much to change. It makes me sound like I am ungrateful and that's the farthest from the truth! But sometimes the perception can show differently than how I feel.
I don't know why I have always sought the approval of others and cared about what people think of me. I'm always seeking positive reenforcement and when I don't receive it I get in a funk. You know the funny think is is that deep down I KNOW that what I do is my best! I love deeply and with all of my heart and soul. I AM good enough for those who matter to me. I just have to start believing in me.
I know that I am a work in progress and that's ok. I am so grateful for the family and true friends that support me and truly love me for me:) I am so very thankful for them!

I've had this for about 4 years. I got it as a reminder everyday to believe in myself. I just need to remember to do it:)

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Anyone else addicted?? I'm gonna need a pintervention.

More blogging tomorrow. Off to pinterest I come. Although I did actually craft today:). Woohoo!!

PS: if you need an invite, just leave me a comment or send me an email with your email address. I am warning you though, it is super addicting!!:)

Or follow me here:

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Friday, August 19, 2011

I {heart} duct tape!

Today I had the cutest little client in the salon and she had the most darling zebra purse that her friend made for her. And guess what! It was made with duct tape!
Whaaaaatttt you say?
Yes, duct tape and guess what else. I must have one!
So I came home tonight and got out my turquoise duct tape I bought last week and went to YouTube. And I made myself a wallet. With a latch. And a bow. And if I had packing tape (which I probably do somewhere) I would have put a little see through window in it too. I am sooo getting some more fun colors and mastering the art of duct tape!!

Sorry the pictures aren't that great but I'm tired!:)

How fun is that??!!

Also, our friends had their baby girl today! Isn't she so sweet? She looks just like big sister Kenadie!:)

Happy birthday Bostyn!!:)

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

First day of first grade!

I can't believe that another school year has begun. And that my baby is in first grade! It's amazing to me how so much changes in a year!

On top of the great first day he had, he lost his second tooth!!:)

I hope that all of you that have kids in school had a great first day back!!:)

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Lazy song

That's my summer song. Well, minus the inappropriate lyrics. We slept in almost every day, went to the pool a ton and ate more ice cream than I'm willing to admit. I gained nearly 10 pounds and you know what? It was one of the best summers of my life. I spent some great quality time with my husband and kids and I am so very blessed to have been able to enjoy it.
With that being said, I am so ready for routine again. And with school starting this week, it is back to the swing of things!:). I feel like it's new years eve again, so I am going to make some resolutions to add to spending time with my family:)
No particular order.

1) Stop neglecting the blog! I know, I know I have said this before, but it's time to get back in the saddle. The truth is I LOVE to blog. I just gotta get back into doing it every night.

2) Get my hiney running. I am planning on doing another half marathon this December, so I gotta get serious about it. I actually have started running again. I just need to be consistent. And I want to lose about 40-50 pounds, so it's time to work hard! I'm lucky to have a friend who meets me at the Y. Thanks, Sarah W for the inspiration!!:)

3) Spend time in God's word every day. I read somewhere that if you read 20-30 minutes a day you can finish the gospels in one month. Pretty cool. I just need to make time. After all, He is the most important!!

4) Sew and craft more and open that etsy shop!! Just gotta do it!:)

I think that's enough for now. I'm a person who loves lists and making a schedule for myself. It's just sticking to it is the biggest thing:). And going to bed and getting up earlier! I'm such a night owl!
Anyway. Here's to day 1:)

We have open house Tonight so I'll post pictures later:)

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bostyn's special picture

We had a weekend full of parties and I plan on posting about them later, but I wanted to post the canvas that I did for my friend Shelle's baby girl, Bostyn.  She is due to arrive at the end of August, but we all think that she will make her appearance early:)
I am just so excited about how great this turned out!  I wanted to get it on Pinterest.  You can follow my posts here.  And if you aren't on Pinterest, let me know and I will send you an invite!

So, here it is.  What do you all think???

The canvas:)
On the wall above her crib
I have done a canvas before and just used fabric, ribbon and mod podge, but this time I wanted to paint her name.  My mom is an incredible artist and she let me borrow her paint and gave me some pointers about acrylic.  I absolutely fell in love and can't wait to paint some more!!   And of course I had to add some buttons and ribbon to give it some flare because I love them so much!

I will post later about our busy weekend.  I hope that you all had a great one, too:)

Monday, July 18, 2011

While you were out...

It has nearly been two weeks and I haven't once written in the blog. The last post might have scared a few of you. Let me just say, it was all in good fun! My mom pointed out that if you didn't know me and my humor, you might think I'm a little cuckoo. Lol. But I'm not, I promise. Just silly:)

Anyway in the last two weeks, we Holmeses have been some busy little bees! I have had some family in from SE Missouri and Florida and had many great visits with all of them. It is just so nice to have everyone in town again and spend time together. We don't get that but maybe once or twice a year, so I look forward to the time together! I especially enjoy spending time with my grandma. She is so very special to me and I'm glad we got some one on one beauty shop time;)

Cousin Lily and Rylee

Uncle Stevie and Reesie

Rylee also attended Vacation Bible School last week and enjoyed every minute of it! Lee and I picked him up from his first day Monday and took him to a special lunch at our favorite, El Espolon.

Then this past weekend Lee tiled our master bath and did such a wonderful job. I can't wait to post pictures when it is completely made over!

I am also working on a special painting right now for a friend who asked me to do something for her baby's room and am excited to post it. It will have to wait until after this weekend though because that's when the mama gets it:)

And finally Lee took me to Harry Potter 7: part II today and it was amazing! I can't believe that it is over already. If you haven't read the books, you should! They are incredible.

Hope you all had a great two weeks!!

My goofy kids:)

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 65th birthday!

To my other husband...

You've been there to teach me how to use the eye of the tiger!
Happy birthday, Sly!
You're still as hot as ever:)

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vacay part 2...

So, it has taken me longer than I expected to to finish this vacation post. I had a terrible migraine and it ended up making me so sick:(. So, Sunday I was still on the mend and Monday was family day for the 4th. So, here I am finishing my post. I'll try to make it short and sweet with some cute pictures:)

Monday the conference was underway and while Lee went to classes, the kids and I slept in and waited for my friend Steph to come down to enjoy the day with us. It rained that morning, but ended up clearing up to make a beautiful day.

I took this picture right after the kids woke up. Isn't it so sweet? Rain rain go away...

Anyway, like I said, the day turned out to be beautiful. We enjoyed our fun in the sun and had a great day with Stephie (feffie as Reese calls her). It is always a fun time when she is around!

After naps and dinner, daddy treated us to some Andy's Frozen Custard...yummy!

Tuesday was more of the same. We hooked up with some of our other friends and went to the indoor waterpark, Timber Falls and then more pool time outside, which was our favorite!

All in all, we had a blast and I am so thankful that we got the chance to go. It was good to get away and spend some quality family time together:)

I hope that you all had a wonderful 4th! We spent time with my family at dinner and then the kids and I went with my mother in law uptown to visit Lee while he was working and to see the fireworks.

Can you believe that this is the best picture I got of these two? Lol.

Happy Tuesday:)

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Sunday funday

So Sunday the girl and I stayed behind and finished some laundry and packing before we headed to the lake to meet the boys. When we got there the room wasn't quite ready yet, so what better time than to shop, right?! We headed to the outlet mall and got some great deals at the under armour store. Unfortunately the shopping was short lived due to the wild child being well...wild. She was super tired and hadn't had a good nap. Why is it that when kids are tired they seem to get more energy?! So instead of fighting her to shop, we went to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Vista Grande.
After that we went back to the hotel and checked it. We walked into our fantastic room (with fluffy beds and lots of fluffy fav) and I realized we had a balcony with an awesome view!

I just love being at the lake and looking out at the water. The smell of the lake brings me back to my childhood and I love it. I have so many sweet memories there.
After getting settled the kids and I went down to the pool to soak up the sun while Lee took care of some things.

How awesome is this pool? And it sits right on the water which makes it even better!

The kids love to swim so we had a great time. Reese had a little meltdown at the end about the slide but other than that it was great :)

More tomorrow...

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A weeks worth of FUN!

I've been quiet this week because we were actually on a mini vacation down at the Lake of the Ozarks! The hubby had a conference, so the kids and I joined him and I am so glad we did! Not only was it nice to get away, but taking the time to relax and enjoy my family was soooo needed! I am so tightly wound (not and I needed this week to show me how to relax and appreciate all of my blessings! I easily get caught up sometimes and forget to take one moment at a time. So I'm thankful for the time away:)

So because I took a bazillion pictures, I'm gonna break it up into a couple posts:)

But first, Saturday was not only our anniversary, but the birthday party for our little friend Kenadie. The party included two bounce houses (one had a slide) and a sno-cone machine! How could we pass that up?:) It was a kid's dream and honestly a little bit of mine too. Lol.

The birthday girl:) How darn sweet is she???

Kenadie, me and Reesie girl. Yep, I went down the slide, too!! I couldn't resist.

My handsome boy. Notice the soaked shirt? They played hard!

Jordan and Jayden(my best good friend's darling sons) and Ry posing for the camera:)

Reese and cutie Chase:)

We had a great time and enjoyed the party. It's always fun to watch your kids get so excited and play!

I'm off to bed now, but more about our week tomorrow:)

PS- did you notice how I posted this? My husband sure spoils me rotten!!:)

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